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- /*
- randU.c
- Denis G. Pelli
- i=randU();
- randU() is the Standard C random number generator rand()--see K&R--modified to
- return 16 bits as an unsigned short int instead of just 15 bits as a (positive)
- short int. Both versions satisfy Knuth's prescriptions for a linear congruential
- random number generator, namely, given that the modulus is 2^32, the multiplier
- should be between 0.01m and 0.99m, the multiplier mod 8 should be 5, and the
- addend should be odd. (Knuth also recommends doing spectral testing of the
- multiplier, and I don't know if that's been done. One would like to think that
- the Standard C committee would have chosen a multiplier that had been so tested.)
- j=randUL();
- randUL() returns a 32-bit random number, formed by calling randU() twice and
- gluing the results together.
- RandFill(address,bytes);
- RandFill is a tight coding of randU() optimized for filling large buffers. It's twice
- as fast as making repeated calls to randU(), but is numerically equivalent, and even
- uses the same seed. For high speed it must be compiled to use the 68020 (or better)
- chip, otherwise each long multiplication requires a subroutine call.
- Fills 0.8 MB/s on a Mac IIci, i.e. 25 MHz 68030.
- Kernighan, B. W. and Ritchie, D. M. (1988) The C Programming Language, Second
- Ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, p. 46.
- Knuth, D. E. (1981) The Art of Computer Programming: 2. Seminumerical
- Algorithms, Second Edition. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley. pp. 170-171.
- 8/4/89 dgp wrote it.
- 3/19/90 dgp eliminated assembly code to make it portable.
- 8/5/91 dgp added RandFill().
- 8/24/91 dgp Made compatible with THINK C 5.0.
- 10/21/91 dgp Removed obsolete inclusion of MacProto.h.
- 9/13/92 dgp Added randUL().
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- typedef union {
- unsigned long L;
- struct {
- short high;
- short low;
- } S;
- } seedType;
- static seedType seed={314159265};
- unsigned short randU(void)
- {
- seed.L = seed.L * 1103515245L + 12345L;
- return seed.S.high;
- }
- #if USHRT_MAX!=0xffff || ULONG_MAX!=0xffffffff
- #error "randUL() assumes 16 bit unsigned short and 32 bit unsigned long"
- #endif
- unsigned long randUL(void)
- {
- return ((unsigned long)randU()<<16)+randU();
- }
- /* srandU - seed pseudo-random number generator */
- void srandU(unsigned n)
- {
- seed.L = n;
- }
- /*
- RandFill uses exactly the same algorithm as randU, using the same seed, but is
- coded to fill a large buffer quickly.
- The trick here is to avoid having to do a bit shift to get at the high word of
- the s register. I do this by moving the entire long register to memory,
- overwriting the least significant two bytes on the next iteration. As a result
- this method requires a 2 byte overhang beyond the end of the desired data. That
- overhang region and an odd byte, if any, is filled in by copying from a
- workArea.
- A simpler way to implement this overhang business would have been to copy the
- memory that was to be overwritten, overfill the buffer, and then restore the
- overwritten memory. The problem with that method is that it assumes the
- overwritten memory exists (e.g. it might be video memory) and won't be used
- while we're running, which is not an entirely safe assumption unless we turn off
- interrupts. So I took the cautious approach, which makes for a messier looking
- program, but it's safe. The performance cost is negligible.
- */
- void RandFill(void *address,long bytes)
- {
- register long i;
- register unsigned long s,mul,add;
- register unsigned short *ptr;
- unsigned short *savePtr,workArea[3];
- s=seed.L;
- mul=1103515245L;
- add=12345L;
- ptr=(unsigned short *)address;
- i=bytes;
- i-=2; /* allow guard room for overshoot */
- /* Because of the unrolling, the loop overhead is only 3% of running time */
- for(;i>=32;i-=32) {
- /* this compiles to 4 instructions: MULU.L, ADD.L, MOVE.L, ADDQ.L */
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- }
- for(;i>=2;i-=2) {
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- }
- i+=2; /* remove guard */
- savePtr=ptr;
- ptr=&workArea[0];
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- s *= mul; s += add; *(unsigned long *)ptr=s; ptr++;
- memcpy(savePtr,workArea,i);
- seed.L=s;
- }